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Rawsome Creations: Tools for Chefs in Living & Raw Foods Kitchens
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Rawsome Creations More than a NUT MILK BAG is perfect for for juicing, sprouting & making nut milks.

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Almond Milk

Yield: 2 cups (2-4 servings)

strawberries Ingredients

  • 1 cup whole raw almonds, soaked 8 hours, rinsed and drained
  • 2-3 cups water
  • 1-3 pitted dates (optional - see note)
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
  • Dash of cinnamon (optional)

carrot Directions

The More than a NUT MILK BAG is a reusable 10 x 12 inch Nut Milk/Juicing/Sprout Bag hand-made with high-quality fine mesh nylon.
More than a NUT MILK BAG

Combine all ingredients in an high-speed blender (Vitamix or similar) and process until smooth.

To separate the milk from the pulp: squeeze the mixture through the More than a NUT MILK BAG and compost the pulp or reserve it for use in cookies, piecrusts, breads or biscotti.

Serve at room temperature or chilled. Stored in a sealed glass jar in the refrigerator, Almond Milk will keep for up to 4 days. It naturally separates so shake well before serving.

almond Notes

Dates vary in size and degree of sweetness, you may wish to begin with 1 date and add for your preferred level of sweetness.

You may like the milk thinner -- just add more water before blending.

And if you'd like it thicker (cream) -- add less water before blending.

Remember when making Almond Milk for savory soups do not add the dates or vanilla.

Leftover almond pulp can be stored (in an airtight container) in the refrigerator for up to 6 days and the freezer for up to 4 months (defrost before using). The pulp may be used in other recipes or dehydrate it then grind it in the food processor and use it as flour.

© Brenda Hinton 2010 / BH
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Video Lesson: Making Almond Milk

Tips for successful almond milk

There are a few things to keep in mind to simplify the process and get the maximum life of your almond milk -- read the article here.

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